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Afternoon Light

Let's connect!

Fill this out to join a Regional Network and get a monthly Newsletter

Which MNWiC region are you most likely to engage with?
North East (Counties: Aitkin, Itasca)
North West (Counties: Clay, Norman, and Wilkin)
South East (Counties: Rice, Goodhue, and Dakota)
West Central (Counties: Chippewa, Swift, and Lac qui Parle)
This is a grant-funded initiative prioritizing equitable access to historically underserved communities. By identifying yourself, you will help us demonstrate the need to a support diverse communities.
Please check all that describe you:
How would you describe your knowledge and experience with conservation practices?
Very little! I'm a beansprout.
Some knowledge and experience. I'm a fresh cucumber.
Lots of knowledge and experience. I'm an heirloom pumpkin ready to make a dozen pies.
What are your preferred ways to learn about events or information? Please pick no more than two.
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